During the occurrence of failures in the body, it will indicate it. The external signs of violations of the hair loss, skin rashes, fungal infections on the nails. These symptoms require a careful and thorough consideration, because they can hide the most serious diseases.
Fungal infections of education should be treated in the early stages of the appearance, it can destroy the nail and cause irritation of the soft tissues of the finger. The pathology leads to a permanent exposure to noise, degrades the quality of life of the patient, causes a feeling of a permanent hesitation in front of the other and the fear of infecting his loved ones.
Nail fungus refers to a contagious disease of diseases in traditional medicine, it is called onychomycosis, or simply the fungus. The disease are being treated in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor.
Nail fungus of the hands
Nail fungus is more common in women, but men are also exposed to athlete's foot. The initial stage of nail fungus manifests itself in the fact that the nail is dull, acquires a yellowish tint, and with time becomes brown. If you notice a change in color of the nail, contact a professional for advice and analysis.
Then appear white spots on the nail plate. They vary in size, acquire a yellowish tint. The nail deformed, changing shape, twisted, fragile, brittle, and crumbles.
In the following steps, without treatment, the fungal infection happens on the skin and gradually whittled away. Stunned skin is inflamed, swells, flaking, appear to be exuding wound. While taking care to the hands of the pathology can be avoided.
Onicha athlete's foot the nails of the hands most often, these are the women, the reason — non-sterile-tools of the manicure. According to the statistics, this situation is the primary cause of the emergence and the development of fungus on the hands. Take care of what the master manages the tools.

Nail fungus of the feet
The fungus in the most striking of the nails of the lower limbs. The main reason for non-compliance with the rules of the hygiene of the feet. The excessive sweating of the feet, inconvenient or too narrow shoes, using the shoes to many people — social norms. This behavior is the source of the contagion, that it is difficult to deduce.
Athlete's foot — an infectious and contagious disease, which may release, by entering in contact with a surface: wear sneakers to enter the shower after the man with onychomycosis stop. The greatest risk when using public places such as swimming pools, saunas, steam rooms. The moist environment and the temperature increase contribute to the multiplication of harmful bacteria.
Although the pathology and not life threatening but causes unpleasant sensations, itching, burning, discomfort. Prevents them from living normal, a healthy lifestyle, because the strike of the body involved in the lives of 75% of the time our feet.
The signs

Fungal infections — different configurations of the original, and a little manifest differently. A common symptom of a lesion of the nail, the appearance of white spots, which economic. The first symptoms are not forced to wait. Already after a week or two after penetration of bacteria into the nail, we see the first signs, and see what looks like the nail fungus of the feet.
On the nails of the feet appear longitudinal band of yellow or brown. The nail plate is compressed, and on the sides — turns yellow and crumbles. The defeat extends from the end or root of the nail. The most common situation is is system by a free edge of a large nail, for him, the rest of the nails, the space between the fingers.
On the skin a sensation of itching and burning, traces of diaper rash.
An unpleasant odor, increased sweating — explicit the reasons to contact a doctor. If you do not start the treatment at once, and then, later, the nail becomes a brunette, deforms easily, and collapsed. Appears white or yellowish plaque on the skin around the nail, and then between the fingers, the hand on the thumb. In the terminal phase of the foot on the sides covered with mold, the skin is very inflamed, flaking, swollen legs. Possibility of a total loss of the nail, and the view is horrible. Stormy, the livelihoods of bacteria appears in a strong smell of rot. Watch the videos of the symptoms of mildew on the legs the legs and that it is dangerous.
The reasons

The causative agent of nail fungus — fungi of the genus Candida. In normal conditions, these micro-organisms live in the environment, and even present in the human body. Do not bring any strike action just because constantly suppressed other bacteria in our bodies and our immunity.
Control parasites properties of Candida occurs when they come of the favourable conditions. In general, it is the fainting in our body, the non-observance of elementary rules of hygiene, the lack of hygiene of the norm.
We are constantly in contact with parasites in the environment, but the body rejects a negative impact. The sensitivity is increased due to the following factors:
- the increased sweating stop;
- the constant walking in the narrow and uncomfortable shoes;
- immunity is low;
- the wounds of the nails and the skin around;
- the violation of the hygiene of the feet;
- internal failures in the endocrine system, or nervous system;
- saunas and swimming pools;
- the advanced age.
These conditions include our skin is more easy to accept the parasites and the less resist harmful action. Being in the layers of the dermis, the bacteria settle, germinate and produce disputes. If not a specialized treatment, continue to grow and the action is compounded.
The direct pathway of infection — contact with the natural habitat of Candida, as the ground of the earth, the plants, the animals. Indirect — take the infection of the other man, through the use of shoes, towels, things.

The first thing to check, see the symptoms, see a specialist. Niche-a doctor who treats only fungal infections — mycologist. In the realities of our life difficult to find a nerd. If failed to contact him, it will help you to a dermatologist. Its elements are skin diseases, and it will help you to solve your problem with nails.
After an analysis of the doctor in the course of treatment. Nail fungus stop resisting evil as to remove difficult. Standard antiseptics or means of decontamination help prevent them, but not for the treatment.
The medications are named for local application. Exceptions — if the bottom followed the yeast infections are violated in the metabolic processes. Then prescribe ways to strengthen the immunity and vitamins for growth and strengthen nails, calcium.
To win the fight against the fungal infection, use strong specialty products: an ointment or drops. Recently, the most popular are therapeutic of nail Polish.
Lucky stand out as much that, unlike other means, are not erased when walking and remain, acting in the course of the day. Are named as a part of treatment, either as an independent drug. Varnishes have a highly positive result, if hit more than 50% of the nail plate.
Cheap and effective — the tea tree oil. It is a powerful antiseptic, based on antibacterial action. The oil is known for its properties to kill the fungus, and is therefore widely used by doctors.

Attention! The fungus is microscopic bacteria to fungi, which do not cease multiplying, and do so with great speed. In order to get rid need every last bacteria. Interrupted treatment, or poorly written a treatment necessarily lead to relapse.
Take the treatment of any liability. The result depends on your self-discipline. Intelligently written, the course will be useful if the stick.
If long time not to pay attention to the process, caused by a fungal infection, it threatens not only the loss of the nail, but the deterioration of the general condition of the body. The inflammation in a place suffer of all the systems of your body, in fact, a large part of the strength goes to the fight against the infection. Violation of the metabolic processes, the first thing that threat.
Don't forget to treat all the things that have been in contact, otherwise relapse is not to be avoided. Disinfect shoes thoroughly, the floors, the linen, bathroom. At the time of treatment, it is advisable not to walk barefoot in the house and not to visit the public institutions, where there is the possibility of infection.
If you are a resident still of the people, to take preventive measures to protect against the infection. And after the end of the course, not to forget the prevention of the mold d', use of antiseptics and take care of the hygiene of the lower limbs.
Folk remedies
In addition to recognized drugs, the artisans know the secrets of self-healing of the pathology. These methods are based entirely on the preparations, which is easy to obtain in the natural environment. Of methods inexpensive, time-tested.
This is convenient, because most of the components, you can easily find the house of the mistress. The supporters of alternative medicine claim that the treatments the natural ways much more effective than the drugstore of drugs.
The most common — treatment of the feet in iodine. Therefore, bacteria of the fungus prizhivayutsya and perish. Dead nail plate twice a day, thoroughly coated with a solution of iodine of 5%. The iodine acts slowly. This is an external method of treatment, after 3 weeks of this treatment, you will notice an improvement. And that by 40 to 50 days is guaranteed to mention what it's like nail fungus and it is all.
The iodine not only destroys parasites, bacteria, but promotes the restoration and strengthening of the nail plate. On the site removed the nail grows again, healthy and whole. The alcohol solution removes the itching and burning of the skin, and as an antiseptic removes odor.
The iodine can be applied in together with other means. Mix the iodine with the celandine, you get an ointment. Treat his heels and fingers several times during the day. The effect will be clearly visible after 2 weeks.
In parallel, you can take supplements of decoctions, or tools to strengthen the immunity. This will improve the general condition of the body and help fight from the inside.
Wide popularity of vinegar bath. Acetic acid has excellent properties of anti-mold, mildew, and fungi. Bowls with such a drug is not harmful to the skin, the coverage and the infection is completely inhibited.
For a proper use as a simple table vinegar 9%, and apple. In particularly complex cases allowed to increase the concentration, by applying 70% of vinegar. Common, the application schema — the 4 parts water to 1 part vinegar. You can add tea tree oil for a stronger antiseptic effect.
This method is suitable for those who have the time to take care of his feet, as each procedure lasts 30 minutes and repeat need two times per day. Optimal time in the morning and in the evening. Vinegar bath are not applied as the only tool, because that just remove and stop the development, the reproduction of micro-organisms. The spores are killed in the created acidic environment, but the adults in the most remain. For the most complete and effective treatment is to use the services.
After the bath, remove the affected area of the nail, and sacotte the skin around the pumice stone. If you remove the layer of the backlog of bacteria. Then apply the fungicide to reach the maximum benefits by the manipulation.
It is important to know! In the stages of the traditional medicine may not be the only way to fight against the yeast infection. Not necessarily need to use drugs, otherwise the attempts to completely get rid of the infection is not successful.
Traditional methods cannot be applied in cases where it is authorised the doctor. In some situations, it is strictly forbidden to work on the nail with alcohol or vinegar.
The most important effect of all the unconventional methods will be in the first development stage of onychomycosis, up to what does appear to be open sores on the skin and inflammation of the fingers, of the feet.